Dead Ahead: Zombie Warfare

by Mobirate



Survival strategy. Zombie pixel games. Dead in car on the road into the daylight

DEAD AHEAD: ZOMBIE WARFAREnnResist and defy the evil undead in this new tactical survival sequel of Dead Ahead!nFight for freedom and become a fearless slayer of the undead in one of the funnest survivalngames of the year! Kill raid after raid of zombies, collect supplies, look for survivors andnmost importantly... create your own legacy!nnZOMBIE INVASIONnnDefend your bus and endure opponents scarier than any devil or demon! Break throughnbarricades while you slaughter the corrupt corpses. Gather your team of gladiators and sendnthem one by one into battle! Use any means necessary to ward off the horde of pixel crazednflesh eaters! Slash, shoot or burn the dead with barrels, Molotov cocktails and grenades. Bendirect and explosive or stealth kill your opponents.nnUSE YOUR BRAINS, DON’T LOSE THEMnnShow that you have real steel to conquer the maps! Be creative and combine different typesnof units to win! Use tactically offensive and defensive moves to kill all the zombies and thenbarricades! Be creative and assault them for maximum bloodshed. Remember – the risingndead won’t make it easy for you.nnIMPROVE YOUR SKILLS AND GEAR TO STAY ALIVEnnCollect items, earn experience and complete quests to upgrade your units and vehicles. Thenmore gear you get, the more zombies you will be able to take on! Become the ultimate slayernof the undead! Banish the banshees to eternal hell! Contrast your high score with othernplayers!nnWHAT AWAITS YOU:nn* Blood-and-guts action-strategy game with a sense of humorn* No hiding in the shade! The undead WILL come for you!n* Resist against the onslaught of zombies and keep your bus safe at all costs!n* A huge world with numerous locationsn* Plenty of survivor units and zombiesn* Upgrades, special items and optional questsn* FUN!"